Muay Thai Elbow Techniques

  To execute the  elbow, start by positioning yourself within striking range of your opponent. Then, swiftly raise your elbow towards their face in a straight motion, similar to extending your arm for a handshake.

Muay Thai Elbow


Side Elbow

 Sneakily position yourself slightly to the side of your opponent. With a quick and concise motion, drive your elbow towards their ribs or temple, exploiting their blind spot.

Muay Thai Side Elbow

Uppercut Elbow

 Close the distance between you and your opponent. From a crouched position, explosively rise up while simultaneously driving your elbow upwards, aiming for their chin or solar plexus.

Muay Thai Uppercut Elbow

Spear Elbow

Visualize yourself thrusting your elbow forward like a spear. Step into the strike, leading with your elbow, and drive it directly towards your opponent’s target area with maximum force.

muay thai Spear Elbow

Reverse Elbow

 With your back facing your opponent, swiftly pivot your body and swing your elbow backward, catching them off guard with the unexpected strike from behind.

Reverse Elbow

Spinning Back Elbow

 Start by rotating your body away from your opponent. As you turn, whip your elbow back towards them in a spinning motion, aiming to strike with the back of your elbow.

Spinning Back Elbow

Flying Elbow

 Channel your inner daredevil as you leap towards your opponent, leading with your elbow extended forward. Time your jump perfectly to close the distance and deliver a devastating strike.

Remember, each technique requires practice and precision to master. Focus on proper form and timing to effectively incorporate these powerful elbow strikes into your arsenal.

Credit to the video creator: Superbon – ซุปเปอร์บอน

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